The Tribe of Dan - The Carib Indians

Dan was the 5th born son of Jacob. His name meant "judge". Read Genesis 30:6, "And Rachel said, God hath judged me, and hath also heard my voice, and hath given me a son: therefore called she his name Dan."



Ancient name: Carib Indians also Arawaks

Locations: Bahamas & Virgin Islands

Dan was the 5th born son of Jacob. His name meant "judge". Read Genesis 30:6, "And Rachel said, God hath judged me, and hath also heard my voice, and hath given me a son: therefore called she his name Dan."

The tribe of Dan was included in the migration of the "ten tribes of Israel", to the Americas.

Genesis 49:16, "Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel."

Around 1140 B.C. Dan ruled Israel under a mighty warrior named Samson, meaning like the sun!

He was endowed with spiritual power that made his skin impenetrable and the strongest man on earth. That's why he was able to kill a thousand (l ,000) men with the jawbone of an ass, although they had swords, bow and arrows, spears etc., Judges 15:14-16

Genesis 49:17, "Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

"Dan shall be a serpent by the way", the various little isles that make up the Bahamas and Virgin Islands ending with Trinidad is shaped like a serpent. Trinidad has two powerful water channels called "serpents mouth and dragons mouth", by the way of the Americas.

Dan / the Carib Indians dwelt on these tiny islands, unnoticeable until you come directly upon them, just like a serpent and then it's too late - you're bitten. In like manner, when Columbus came looking for the main land - North America he virtually stumbled across many little islands.

"An adder in the path", just as Dan attacked viciously in the past amongst the tribes of Israel so did they during the arrival of the Spaniard Conquistadors. Attacking them viciously.

"That biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward!" So vicious did Dan attack his enemies in ancient times so did they in the 1400's, that it would appear as if they would destroy the invading white man, but that wasn't in the prophecy.

Verse 18, "I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord." Meaning Dan will also be redeemed with the second coming of Christ.

33:22, "And of Dan he said, Dan is a lion's whelp: he shall leap from Bashan.

"Dan is a lions whelp", meaning Dan was a warlike tribe, predators of the land.

"He shall leap from Bashan", Bashan was the Northern most part of Israel, leaping from Bashan one would fall in the midst of the rest of Israel. So Dan was therefore absorbed into the other tribes of Israel particularly Benjamin who now inhabits those islands throughout the West Indies. 


Bashan means "smooth, fertile land" and historically Dan: the Carib Indians literally did leap from fertile land.

"From Columbus to Castro - The History of the Caribbean", by Eric Williams, page 95.

"The European arrivals in the lesser Antilles found territories sparsely inhabited, for the most part by the warlike Caribs, who frequently opposed their intrusion. Many an uprising took place, but, by the end of the century, a fairly general pattern had been established, the Caribs were decimated or expelled, removing to Dominica and St. Vincent. What happened to Grenada may be taken as typical of this phase of Caribbean history. The Caribs were literally exterminated by the French, the last group throwing themselves headlong from a precipice, which has since been called Le Morne des Savteurs (Leaper’s Hill).”

Reading on history further records that a very small number of Carib Indians (Dan) remained alive and those that escaped death fled into neighboring islands; where they were enslaved and virtually absorbed by the other tribes.

Proving "Dan shall leap from Bashan." 

In Revelation 7:1-8 Jesus Christ names the tribes of Israel however the tribe of Dan is not mentioned. Not because Dan was destroyed but rather because they were absorbed into the other tribes of Israel. Just as in ancient times the tribe of Levi had no inheritance amongst Israel, likewise Dan in this time. This is why Christ does not mention Dan in Revelation chapter 7.