Afrocentricity: Are We Africans?


One of the biggest mistakes that Black people in America make is trying to identify themselves with all dark-skinned people on the planet. All people of color are not the same people! 


Afrocentricity: Are We Africans?
This will be one of the most eye opening, controversial and astonishing chapters yet! Trying to convince the Black Man in America that he's not an African, is like trying to separate the stink from a fresh pile of cow manure; for some reason you just can't seem to do it! One of the biggest mistakes that Black people in America make is trying to identify themselves with all dark-skinned people on the planet. All people of color are not the same people! The Arabs, the East Indians, the Hawaiians, the Eskimos, the Samoans & Polynesian people, the aboriginal Australians, the Africans, and the Black people here in the Americas and the Caribbean are all dark- skinned people; but they are not all the same people! The Black and Hispanic man in the Americas and the Caribbean have NOTHING to do with ANY of these other groups of people as fax as nationality and ethnicity are concerned.
Allow me to pose this question to the reader of this text. When the slave master was whipping his slaves on the plantation, what do you think was his intended purpose for doing so? It was to break the slave down. It was to create a docile, obedient servant by the use of force. This could only be accomplished by removing any remembrance of the slave's glorious past from out of his or her mind. A few slaves would be used as public examples of violence in front of all the other slaves in order to show what would happen to them should they choose to resist the will of the slave master. This was done to instill a fear in them so that they would be afraid to rebel against the slave master; or to talk about, or even think about their past. If a slave was found to be speaking his or her original language, or practicing any of their native customs he or she would be instantly dealt with. With a great amount of fear now inbred into the mind of the slave, he or she could now be re-educated and re-molded into a productive worker for the slave master. All knowledge about him or herself was now eradicated.


The only knowledge that would remain now was the tainted knowledge that the slave master would choose to instill. Psalms 83:4 "They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance." 

Now if the goals of the whippings were to beat you into submission to the will of the slave master, as well as to cut you off from any remembrance of you glorious past; then why would the slave master allow you to hold on to calling yourself an African? If you indeed were an African, he would have cut that remembrance out of your mind. But he didn't do that. Instead, he cut out the remembrance of you being from the Nation of Israel; because that is who you really are! Telling the Black man in the Americas and the Caribbean that he is the original Jew and the original Israelite will get you some very strange reactions from astonishment, to anger, but the truth about our history must be told! Regardless of how someone's personal feelings might be affected, or regardless of what opposition there is in trying to relay this information to the world; the truth must get out! Enough talk, let us begin. Lets break down the myths associated with my people and Africa starting with:
1.  Are we not Africans, or at least African-Americans, since we came over here to America during the Middle Passage on slave ships from the continent of Africa?
Truth: No, we are not! Here's why. In Rudolph R. Windsor's book From Babylon to Timbuktu, on page 84, he accurately states:


In the year 65 B.C. the Roman armies under General Pompey captured Jerusalem. In 70 A.D. General Vespasian and his son, Titus, put an end to the Jewish state, with great slaughter. During the period of the military governors of Palestine, many outrages and atrocities were committed against the residue of the people. During the period from Pompey to Julius, it has been estimated that over 1 million Jews fled into Africa, fleeing from Roman persecution and slavery. The slave markets were full of Black Jewish slaves.


We fled into Africa from the Romans to be amongst dark-skinned people like ourselves to try and blend in. We traveled from Jerusalem to the western coast of Africa from 70 A.D. up until the time of slavery.  (See map).  

We built many great empires along the west coast of Africa; in Mali, Senegal, Niger, and Ghana just to name a few. For more detailed information on Israelite empires in West Africa the following readings are suggested: Hebrewisms of West Africa by Joseph J. Williams, and From Babylon to Timbuktu by Rudolph R. Windsor.


Christ prophesied about our flight from the destruction of Jerusalem in Luke 21:20,21 "And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto." Also read Matthew 24:15-20.
When the Africans got tired of us being in their land they teamed up with the Arabs to sell us to the White man. For those of us who know our true history, this is nothing new because they did the same thing back in ancient times. 2 Chronicles 21:16,17 - 'Moreover the Lord stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians, that were near the Ethiopians: And they came up into Judah, and break into it, and carried away all the substance that was found in the king's house, and his sons also, and his wives; so that there was never a son left him, save Jehoahaz, the youngest of his sons."


The African slave trade was Africans and Arabs trading us, the Hebrew Israelites, for slaves in exchange for whatever they could get for us.



2. How can you say that we are not Africans when we all look the same? After all we both have the same color skin and we both have wooly hair don't we? Why aren't we the same?
Truth: I'd like to answer this one with the following observation. If you look at a black dog and you look at a black cat, would you say that the dog is a cat just because they're both black?

Absolutely not and neither are we Africans just because we all look similar. The Africans come out of Noah's son Ham, they are Hamitic. We come out of Noah's son Shem, we are Shemitic (or Semitic). There is a difference!
Exodus 11:7 "But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the Lord cloth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.  It is God who put the differences between us and the Africans as further evidenced by Exodus 8:23 "And I will put a division between my people and thy people: to morrow shall this sign be." Exodus 7th -12th Chapters tell you about the plagues and destruction which fell upon the Egyptian people in order to liberate God's people from their oppression. Notice that throughout these chapters the plagues do not affect the Israelites, only the Egyptians. Both of these groups of people are dark-skinned people; but yet God makes a distinction between these two groups as to who will receive sorrow and who will receive salvation. So then are these two groups of people the same people? Obviously not. The Egyptians and the country of Egypt have not been the same since we, the Hebrew Israelites, have left there. It is not the glorious nation of antiquity that it once was.
Also looking around at the rest of the continent of Africa today, you can see that the other African nations are having a very difficult time of trying to survive. Take a look at the current state of Mogadishu in Somalia for example. Also looking at the current state of Rwanda and Bartindi, Boko Haram, and with all of the killing and people fleeing out of the country it does not look as if there is much hope of peace within the continent of Africa. All nations that have ruled on the planet without following the laws of the God of Israel have eventually fallen, and Africa is no exception. Neither is America, but that is another case within itself.
The Black and Hispanic man in the Americas and the Caribbean should not look to Africa; nor any or Africans for his salvation. Instead, he should look to his God, the God of Israel, and seek His word in the Bible in order to deliver himself from his terrible condition because that is THE ONLY WAY that he will be delivered from his oppression. Not by guns, not by voting, not by marching; but by the hand of God.
Hosea 1:7 - "But I will have mercy upon the house of Judah, and will save them by the hand of the Lord their God, and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by horsemen." As the scriptures say, God is going to save the Black and Hispanic man, not Africa. Hosea 13:9 - "0 Israel, thou ham destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help. "We so- called Black and Hispanic people here in the Americas (Israel), have destroyed ourselves by not seeking after our God and looking to Africa for our help. The Black and Hispanic man's true history, culture, religion, philosophy, wisdom, and laws on how to govern a society are to be found within the pages of the Holy Bible, and not in any African texts; nor in any European texts for that matter.
To offer one last bit of proof that we are not Africans, let's go to another source besides the Bible. In Young's Compact Bible Dictionary, pages 255-256, under the definition of Ham, it states the following:
"A son of Noah and father of Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan. See further on each of these four. While they may have all been dark-skinned, they were not the forefathers of the negroid races, but rather of people associated with Egypt in the N of the continent of Africa."
Now how about that! Now mind you, us Black folks don't print these bible dictionaries up, White folks do. Why is it that they know more about you than you know about yourselves? You can find this same information in the Zondervan Publications Compact Bible Dictionary (Pg 213 Def of Ham). You know, bet there's some Black person reading this book right now that's angry as hell that his or her beliefs in Afrocentricity are being shown to be false. All I can say to you is Galatians 4:16 "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" John 8:45 "And because I tell you the truth ye believe me not."
3. Is Africa the "motherland"?
Truth: No, it is not. Galatians 4:26 - "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all." Also in J.A. Rogers' book 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof, Fact No. 17 states: The present Negro race of Africa perhaps did not originate there but Asia and Oceania. The earliest inhabitants of Africa were not black but brown. Today the peoples of mixed and unmixed Negro descent living in Asia and Oceana probably exceed in number the present Negro population of Africa. One of the principal reasons for this theory, as Delafosse says, is "all the Negro tribes of Africa assert that their first ancestors came from the East."

This is true. They came from the Middle East from the area of the Fertile Crescent; which encompasses the northern tip of Africa, the land of Canaan, and Mesopotamia. From this location, mankind branched out to all corners of the earth to make different nations and families. In addition, when you take a look at Genesis 2:10-14, it identifies four rivers encompassing the Garden of Eden. The river that went out of Eden and became into four heads is the Jordan River. The river that compasseth the whole land of Havilah is the Red Sea. The river that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia is the Nile. The river that goeth toward the east of Assyria is the Tigris River. And the fourth river is the Euphrates river. If you look at the land between these four rivers, (See map) you will find the area known as the Fertile Crescent; so named because the land is very fertile with minerals in its soil and the land itself is in the shape of a crescent moon.
4. Did the Egyptians pioneer the sciences?
Truth: No, they did not. Jeremiah 10:16, 51:19 - "The portion of Jacob is not like them: for he is the former of all things." To further answer this, I take you to The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book I, Chapter VIII, Paragraph 2, where he writes:
For whereas the Egyptians were formerly addicted to different customs, and despised one another's sacred and accustomed rites, and were very angry one with another on that account, Abram conferred with each of them, and confuting the reasonings they made use of every one for their own practices, demonstrated that such reasonings were vain and void of truth; whereupon he was admired by them in those conferences as a very wise man, and one of great sagacity, when he discoursed on any subject he undertook; and this not only in understanding it, but in persuading other men to assent to him. He communicated to them arithmetic, and delivered to them the science of astronomy; for, before Abram came into Egypt, THEY WERE UNACQUAINTED WITH THOSE PARTS OF LEARNING; for that science came from the Chaldeansinto Egypt, and from thence to the Greeks also.
Here are some scriptures to show that the children of Israel had the wisdom and understanding of the sciences. Daniel 1:3,4 "And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes; Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skillful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans." 1 Kings 4:30 - "And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt."
5. Who built the pyramids?
Truth: It has generally been said that the Egyptians were the ones who built the large pyramids currently standing in Egypt; however I beg to differ. It was the Hebrew slaves which built the pyramids standing in Egypt; as well as the pyramids and land mounds found here in the western hemisphere; from the top of Canada. all the way down to the bottom of Chile!



Egyptian scholars and Afrocentrists like to predate the building of the larger pyramids prior to the time of the arrival of the Hebrews in Egypt, c. 2700-2500 B.C.E. Some also state that the smaller pyramids may have been built between c. 720 B.C.E. and 350 C.E. Some of these same scholars also state that slave labor was used in order to complete the building of the pyramids. The Hebrews were slaves in Egypt for 430 years, c. 1876-1446 B.C.E. So now are they saying that during the 430 years that the Egyptians had a free human labor source with the Hebrew people, that there were no pyramids built at all? To avoid this contradiction of statements, some of them say that the Hebrews may have built some of the smaller pyramids during the Middle Kingdom, which lasted from c. 1991-1786 B.C.E. Someone's not telling the whole story here. According to Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Chapter IX, Paragraph 1, he states that our people did build pyramids for the Egyptians. He writes:
Now it happened that the Egyptians grew delicate and lazy, as to painstaking; and gave themselves up to other pleasures, and in particular to the love of gain. They also became very ill affected towards the Hebrews, as touched with envy at their prosperity; for when they saw how the nation of the Israelites flourished, and were become eminent already in plenty of wealth, which they had acquired by their virtue and natural love of labour, they thought their increase was to their own detriment; and having, in length of time, forgotten the benefits they had received from Joseph, particularly the crown being now come into another family, they became very abusive to the Israelites, and contrived many ways of afflicting them; for they enjoined them to cut a great number of channels for the river, and to build walls for their cities and ramparts, that they might restrain the river, and hinder its waters from stagnating, upon its running river over its own banks: they set them also to build pyramids, and by all this wore them out; and forced them to learn all sorts of mechanical arts, and to accustom themselves to hard labour. And four hundred years did they spend under these afflictions; for they strove one against the other which should get the mastery, the Egyptians desiring to destroy the Israelites by these labours, and the Israelites desiring to hold out to the end under them.
Also, the Bible states that we were building treasure cities and serving hard labour under the Egyptians. Exodus 1:11-14 - "Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Ramses. But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel. And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour: And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour."
Now what do you think the morter and the brick were used for? It would literally take thousands of men dozens of years just to build one single pyramid. Now if the Egyptians had slaves to work for them, how many of their own people do you think assisted in this process? Very few, bet. Why would they risk their own people's lives to complete such a rigorous task when they had a wealth of other human labor at their disposal? After all, isn't that what the slave is for? Also Exodus 5:749 tells you how the Egyptians afflicted our people even more by not giving then) the necessary materials required to perform their tasks. They refused to give our people the straw to make the bricks, yet still required the same amount of work from them.
If the Egyptians actually did build those large pyramids in Egypt, then why haven't they built anymore of the large pyramids since the Hebrews left? It was because the Hebrew slaves were the ones that were building those pyramids and treasure cities for the Egyptians. Once that slave labor source was gone from their midst, there was no one to perform the hard labor required in order to build up their empire. Our Israelite forefathers used their knowledge and expertise of architecture to also build the house of the Lord under King Solomon. 
1 Kings 5:15-18 "And Solomon had threescore and ten thousand that bare burdens, and fourscore thousand hewers in the mountains; Beside the chief of Solomon's officers which were over the work, three thousand and three hundred, which ruled over the people that wrought in the work. And the king commanded, and they brought great stones, costly stones, and hewed stones, to lay the foundation of the house. And Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders did hew them, and the stonesquarers: so they prepared timber and stones to build the house."
It was the Israelites that came here to the Americas that built the pyramids and land mounds that you see here; most noticeably the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotiltuacin, Mexico; and Monk's Mound in Cahokia, Illinois. Other pyramids of interest include the Temple of Inscriptions at Palenque, Mexico; and Hauca del Sol in the Moche Valley in Peru. Other impressive structures in the United States are the Grave Creek Mound in Moundsville, West Virginia; and the Great Serpent Mound in Hillsboro, Ohio. Our Israelite forefathers had the knowledge on how to build pyramids and land mounds here in the Americas, because they had did it before back in Israel and Egypt. 

6. I heard that Moses copied material from the Egyptian Book of the Dead and wrote the Ten Commandments. Is that true?
Truth: No, it is not. 2 Timothy 3:16 - "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
Many so-called Afrocentrists claim that Moses copied the text that he gave to the Hebrews from the Egyptian Book of the Dead and other African sources. Some even cite Acts 7:22 in the Bible as their proof: "And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds." It is true that Moses knew all the Egyptian customs and doctrines. After all he was raised as a prince and an heir to the Egyptian throne, how could he not know? It is also true that the name Moses is an African name because an African princess named him. Now my question to the so-called Afrocentrists is this: What did Moses do when he found out he wasn't an Egyptian? Let's stay in the book of Acts and let's stay in the 7th chapter and read the 23rd and 24th verses: "And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel. And seeing one of them suffer wrong, he defended him, and avenged him that was oppressed, and smote the Egyptian."
Now let's go to Hebrews 11:24-27 and see what else he did. "By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin, for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward. By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible." These are the markings of a true leader. Moses led his people, the Nation of Israel, away from the Africans to go on their way to the Promised Land.
How many of our so-called Black leaders today would give up the wealth that they earn from selling newspapers, TV show appearances, and the lecture circuit in order to follow God the way Moses did? Very few.
7. How did the continent of Africa get its name?
Truth:In the Bible that land mass is known as the land of Ham (Psalms 105:23). It was called Carthage around the third century B.C., which was during the time of the Punic Wars, of which there were three, between Carthage and Rome. (1) Most people are familiar with the story of Hannibal crossing the Swiss Alps on wild African elephants and turning Italy black for thirty years by him and his men having their way with the Italian women. The Romans were not about to take this blow to their egos lying down so around 204 B.C. the Romans continued to fight and dragged the war down into what is now called Africa. Around 203 B.C., while Hannibal and his troops were handling business in Italy, he received word from his father Harnlicar, who was back in Carthage, that he was taking a serious beating from the Roman armies led by a vicious general by the name of Scipio Africanus Major and he requested Hannibal's help in the struggle. Upon receiving the news, Hannibal gathered up his men quickly and rushed to his father's aid. Hannibal rushed back all too soon without properly preparing his men for the war ahead and was easily defeated by Scipio Africanus Major and his army around 202 B.C. Carthage was conquered and that was the end of the Second Punic War. When it was all over and done with, Carthage had a new name, named after the Roman general who had won that land for the soon to be gigantic Greco-Roman empire, the name of AFRICA!
Now I have a question for the reader. Since Africa was named after a white man named Scipio Africanus Major, and America was named after another white man named Amerigo Vespucci; when you call yourself an "African-American", what are you saying in actuality? Are you saying that you are descended from two white men? Brothers and sisters, you are not Africans. You are not African-Americans. You are not Negroes, Colored People, Black folks, or any of that. You are the lost sheep of the House of Israel, the true ethnic Biblical Jews.
The Hebrew Israelites descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The next rulers on the face of the earth. Why would you want to be anything else? Think about it.