Israel's captivity in Egypt and America


Now it should be clear that God is the one that lifts up and brings down nations-Daniel chapter 7, contains the vision of the four beasts (nations), that ruled at one point in time. 



We must first understand that God is the author and finisher of everything, whether good or bad.

Isaiah 45:7 reads, "'form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: the Lord do ALL THESE THINGS", so the Most High is letting man know that he controls "all things." Whenever an event, good or bad, takes place on earth the Lord does it, not manor MOTHER NATURE. We need to then realize that nations even rule and fall by the Lords decisions. Daniel 4:17 says, "This matter is by the decree of the watchers (prophets and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men (the Lord directs all kings and leaders to do what he wants) and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men (meaning God can take a foolish people, and a no people, which he did with the nation of Edom and establish them as the top kingdom called America).

Now it should be clear that God is the one that lifts up and brings down nations-Daniel chapter 7, contains the vision of the four beasts (nations), that ruled at one point in time. Starting with the FIRST BEAST (the Babylonians ruled by Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar), the SECOND BEAST (the Persians & Medes starting with Cyrus, who took down the Babylonians, Isaiah 45:1 "Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to it said the Lord anointed Cyrus, it meant he chose him to be the first to rule over the Persian Empire, and to order Israel to rebuild the temple. The only anointed people of the Most High are the Israelites.) whose right hand I have holdeth, to subdue nations before him. The Most High raised up Cyrus, of the Persian & Medes Empire, to subdue the Babylonians and the other nations, and rule over them), the THIRD BEAST (the Greeks under Alexander, as described in Daniel as the 'LEOPARD’, because he wore a leopard Skin hat: he and the Greeks conquered all nations including the Persian & Medes Empire) and the FOURTH BEAST (the Roman Empire who absorbed the Greeks in 66 B.C.; America is considered as an extension of the Greco-Roman Empire, read Daniel 7:19-24.

Let's examine how EGYPT became a great and mighty nation from the time of Abraham to Moses. Lets begin with Abraham, the great patriarch of the nation of Israel. Genesis 12:10 states, "And there Was a famine in the land: and, Abram (Abraham) went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land. As Stated, during the time of Abraham there was a great famine in all the land, so he, his wife Sarah and all his household left the land of Canaan and went into the land of Egypt. What happened to Abraham when he went into Egypt? To answer this question we refer you to the book of the JOSEPHUS.

In the Josephus chapter 8, verse 2 it reads, "For where as the EGYPTIANS were formerly addicted to different Customs (the worshiping of false idols) and despised one another's sacred and accustomed rites, and were very angry one with another on that account, Abram(Abraham) with each of them (each religious group) and confuting the reasonings they made use of every one for their own practices, demonstrated that such reasonings were vain and void of truth; whereupon he was admired by them in those conferences as a very wise man, and one of great sagacity, when he discoursed on any subject he undertook; and this not only in understanding it, but in persuading other men also to assent to him. He communicated to them ARITHMETIC, and delivered to them the science of ASTRONOMY; for, before Abram came into Egypt, they were unacquainted with those parts of learning." So Abraham taught the so called "great" Egyptians Arithmetic, Astronomy, Architecture and the understanding of many subjects they lacked knowledge of. 

We now turn our attention to another one of our great forefathers, Joseph. Joseph was the son of Jacob and Rachel. Joseph was beloved of his father, Jacob (whose name was latter changed to Israel). His brothers bore jealousy and hatred towards Joseph because they saw that Jacob loved him above his brethren, and for the two dreams told to them by Joseph; Genesis 37:3-10. So they conspired against him, and sold him to Arabs who sold him into Egypt, Genesis 37:27. In Egypt, Joseph was falsely accused of rape, by the wife of Potiphar, his master an officer of Pharaoh; Genesis 39:7-20. He was imprisoned. While imprisoned he interpreted the dreams of the butler and the baker. To make a long story short, the baker was hanged, and the butler's life was spared, as foretold by Joseph; Genesis 40:13. The Pharaoh of Egypt had a dream, and called for all his magicians, wise men of Egypt, and told them of the dream, but they could not interpret it. Then the butler told Pharaoh when he and the baker were imprisoned, how Joseph interpreted their dreams. Then Pharaoh called for Joseph, and told him of the dreams, and Joseph explained the dreams meant, there will be seven good years of crops, then seven bad years of famine in all the land. 

Read the Josephus chapter 5, verse 7, "Here upon the king wondered at the discretion and wisdom of Joseph; and asked him by what means he might so dispense the foregoing plentiful crops in the happy years, as to make the miserable crops more tolerable. Joseph then added this advice: To spare the good crops, and not permit the Egyptians to spend them luxuriously; but to reserve what they would have spent in luxury beyond their necessity, against the time of want. Genesis 41:39 states, "And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art: verse 40, Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto they word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou. Verse 41, And Pharaoh Said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt. Genesis 41:45 says, "And Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaph'nath-pa-a-neah”,which meant the revealer of secrets. 

As a result of Joseph's interpretation of Pharaoh's dream, during the "seven years" of famine all nations, including Joseph's brothers who sold him came into Egypt to buy food because of the great famine. So the wealth of Egypt grew, and it became a great and mighty nation because of the council Joseph gave Pharaoh. Eventually, Joseph was reunited with his family (the Israelites), and he brought them to live in the land of Egypt, Genesis 47:11 Where they grew as a nation. 

Egypt, the nation that for so long had nothing but scorn for its neighbors, at a time endured the degradation of foreign rule; under "The Hyksos." The term Hyksos has a dual interpretation: the first syllable HYC denotes both kings as well as captives. Where as the second - SOS translates Shepherds. The Hyksos Empire introduced new weapons to Egypt such as body armor, scimitars, effective daggers, powerful bows made of wood and horn, and most important, horse drawn chariots. These shepherd kings established the fifteenth and sixteenth dynasties. Egyptians called these dynasties the periods Of the Great Humiliation; Egypt’s cities were burned, their temples vandalized, and their gods demolished. Egypt endured the degradation of foreign rule; under 'The Hyksos.’

"The Compact Bible Dictionary" states the Hyksos were composed of Canaanites and Amorites (Africans). In spite of all their advantages in combat, the Hyksos did not succeed in conquering the whole of the country, they governed lower Egypt. During the 17th Dynasty the Pharaoh Of Thebes - upper Egypt, made an insurrection against the Hyksos and waged a terrible and long war for supremacy. Egypt advocated an ardent nationalist policy to regain control of the country. The rulers of upper Egypt eventually succeeded in casting out the Hyksos by laying siege against them, encircling them (hence the term "captive Shepards") and thus forcing them out towards Palestine. There those Shepherds built a city in the country which is now called Judea and called it Salem (Jerusalem), because Of this event some mistakenly believe the Hyksos were Israelites. In Genesis 14:18 in the land of Canaan, when Abraham returned from the slaughter of the Kings; he paid 10% tithes to Melchizedek (the figure of Christ) who was called The King of Salem. Hebrews 7:1,2. This proves the Hyksos had been pushed into Canaan around the time of Abraham. 

So now to further prove that the Hyksos were not the Israelites, neither were we enslaved under them, lets examine what the wife Of Potiphar said when Joseph refused to commit adultery with her. Genesis 39:14, “That she called unto the men of their house, and spake unto them saying see, he(Potiphar, officer of Pharoah) hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to mock us..." Mocking the mighty Egyptians can only be making reference to the great humiliation they received when the Hyksos conquered the Egyptians in lower Egypt, burned their cities and demolished their gods. We shall find more biblical proof that the Pharoah during Josephs' time was not of Shepard King (Hyksos) descent but rather of native Egyptian heritage. Genesis 43:32, "And they set on for him by himself; and for them by themselves (Joseph 's brothers) and for the Egyptians, which did eat with him by themselves: because the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews; for that is an abomination unto the Egyptians.” 

The complete works of Josephus Book II page 54 footnote states, "The Egyptians hated Canaanite shepherds (Hyksos) because they had long enslaved the Egyptians." Joseph was in no wise a canaanite but he was from the land of Canaan where his people/ Hebrews were also noted Shepherds. Genesis 46:34, " shall say, thy servants trade hath been about cattle from our youth even until now, both we, and also our fathers: that ye may dwell in the land of Goshen; for every shepherd is an abomination unto the Egyptians." By reason of the Hyksos Empire! 400 years later even Moses was aware of the hatred Egypt had for Shepherds. Exodus 8:26, "And Moses said, it is not meet (good) so to do; for we shall sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians (sheep) to the Lord our God; lo shall we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, and will they not stone us?" So it is therefore insane for Joseph and the Israelites to be the dreaded Hyksos empire and its equally impossible that we were under the Hyksos rule (because why would shepherds disdain Shepherds), based upon the statements made by Potiphars wife, Joseph and Moses.

Some also believe a lie that the later Pharaohs were the offspring of Joseph. Genesis 15: 13, "And he said unto Abram, know Of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; Verse 14, And also that nation (Egypt) whom they shall serve, will I Judge.” So how could someone believe the oppressive Pharaohs of Egypt were Abrahams seed the Israelites? Furthermore read Exodus 11:7, “…that ye may know how that the Lord doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.” 


The Egyptians were Hamitic (Africans) whereas the Israelites are Shemitic (Negroes and indigenous American Indians) Gods chosen people. Read definition of Ham in Zondervan Bible Dictionary. 

Ham: "The youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96years before the Flood; and one of eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races; not the Negroes (Israelites), but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans and Canaanites."

Exodus 12:41, "And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass that all the hosts (Israelites) Of the Lord went out from the Land of Egypt."  Therefore no Israelite stayed behind to become Pharaoh or a servant every Israelite left Egypt on the day Of the Exodus. There are many questions concerning Israel’s Exodus from Egypt. Many scholars have chronicled the subject each having conflicting dates. Egyptian time lines oppose biblical time lines as night opposes day. It appears this was done purposely to suppress true biblical knowledge, by the world scholars. Romans 3:4, "God forbid: yea let God be true(the Bible) but every man a liar (man’s opinions); as it is written, that thou mightiest be justified in thy sayings…” We can only be justified if we accept what the Bible says. So to determine Israel’s exodus from Egypt read I Kings 6:1, "And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year(480) after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year (4th year) of Solomon’s reign over Israel in the month Zif which is the second month (April / May), that he began to build the house of the Lord. 

To determine Israels Exodus we must first discover when King Solomon reigned over Israel and count 480 years back from his fourth year ruling. Unlike Egypt’s timelines, Solomon’s dates appear to be more standard 970-930 B.C. All dates are at best approximate with less than a fifty year margin of error. However, his fourth year reigning was 966 B.C. adding 480 years brings us to 1446 B.C. Therefore the approximate date of Israel’s Exodus from Egypt was 1446 B.C. 

Exodus 12:40, "Now the sojourning of the children of Israel who dwelt in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years (430 years)", approximately 1816 B.C. these first thirty years are counting after the deaths of Joseph and his brethren, read Exodus 1:7. Genesis 15:13, "And he said unto Abram, know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years (400) years. Which is approximately 1846 B.C. when the affliction began. 

Exodus 1:8 "Now there arose a new king over Egypt which knew not Joseph. "The complete works of Josephus book Il chapter 9, page 55 says, "The Egyptians; having in length of time, forgotten the benefits they had received from Joseph, particularly the crown being now come into another family, they became very abusive to the Israelites and contrived many ways of afflicting them." Some scholars purposely mislead the public into thinking the new king over Egypt that afflicted Israel was Ramses the 2nd but that's impossible. Genesis 15:13 said Israel would be afflicted (enslaved) for 400 years. Therefore we are brought to Thutmosis the first, 3rd pharaoh Of the infamous eighteenth dynasty. The Complete Works of Josephus on page 611 gives an account of each pharaohs length of reign, between the 18th and 19th Dynasties. However he quotes the Egyptian historian Manetho who gives each name in its Greek counterpart. He also omits a few kings and their time upon the throne giving only a total of a little over 326 years. Also see "Macmillian Bible Atlas" by Y. Aharoni page 170. 

Exodus 1:11, "There they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities Pithom (House of the god Atum) and Ramses… Josephus page 55, "They set them also to build pyramids, and by all this wore them out; and forced them to learn all sorts of mechanical arts, and to accustom themselves to hard labour.” 

The most famous era of Egypt was the 18th dynasty in which Israel was forced to build the valley the kings. The Pharaohs who enslaved Israel are:



Next is Moses. First lets deal with Moses' ethnicity then his color. We know without a doubt that he was an Israelite! Now lets see what color he was? We know that the original Egyptians were and are still black people, whose are the SUDANFSE, WATUSIS & ZULU'S. The Compact Bible Dictionary, page 213 states, Ham became father of the Egyptians, a dark skin Hamite race. Lets now go into the scriptures. Beginning with Exodus 4:6, "And the Lord said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom: and when he took it out behold, his hand was leprous as snow. The color of snow I believe is white? Now it would not make any sense for God to make his skin leprous/white as snow, if he was already white. It seems, it would make much more sense if his skin was black. Verse 7, "And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out Of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh (to that of a dark brown skin man". Remember the Egyptians are black. Read Exodus 2:5, "And the daughter of pharaoh (a black Egyptian woman) came down to wash herself at the river; and her maidens walked along by the river's side; and when she saw the ark(where the baby laid) among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it." Verse 10, "And the child (Moses) grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh 's daughter, and he became her son…” So Moses passed for an Egyptian because of the color of his skin, and nothing else! Moses was a so-called black man, then his parents had to be black and their parents, and so on. Therefore, if they were a black people, and we know that they were of the nation of Israel. Then that would make the Israelites, BLACK! Read Numbers 12:10, "And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; an behold Miriam became leprous, white as snow. Miriam was the sister Of Moses. She and Aaron spoke against Moses because he married an Ethiopian woman. So the Most High made Miriam leprous, white as snow. Now again, if Miriam was white it would not make sense for God to turn her white. Remember she was the sister of Moses and we have proven his color, so she had to be a black woman. Furthermore, when Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus were told to go and hide in Egypt, by the angel, until the death of Herod; Matthew 2:13-15. They were told to go and hide Egypt (Africa), because the Egyptians are the same color as the Israelites. 

What did Moses do to help the Egyptians? Read the Josephus chapter 10, verse 1, “…Egyptians followed after them (the Egyptian army) in the pursuit; and thinking that it would be a mark of cowardice if they did not subdue ALL EGYPT... , the king (Pharoah) commanded his daughter produce him (Moses), that he might be the general of their army (to go and fight the Ethiopians).”

Verse 2, "When he (Moses with the armies of Egypt) had therefore proceeded thus On his journey, he came upon the Ethiopians before they expected him; and, joining battle with then he beat them, and deprived them of the hopes they had of success against the Egyptians, and went on in overthrowing their cities, and indeed made a great slaughter of these Ethiopians.

Moses, an Israelite, saved the Egyptians from sure defeat. In the movie the "Ten Commandments" it showed Moses coming before Pharaoh after his victory over the Ethiopians, presenting treasures of silk, precious stones and gold. 


1.  ABRAHAM came into Egypt and taught them arithmetic, the science of astronomy and much more.

2.JOSEPH interpreted Pharaoh's dream of the seven plenteous years of crops, and seven years of famine. As a result, all nations had to come to Egypt to buy food, and the wealth of that country grew.

3.The ISRAELITES built the great treasure cities for Pharaoh, including the Pyramids, when they were in captivity in Egypt.

4.MOSES saved Egypt from the Ethiopians. 

America! America! America! Today based on its military might and strength America is the most powerful nation on the earth. Who made this country what it is to date? We know and understand that God raiseth up and bringeth down nations. But who are the people that made this country great, by the way of their sweat, blood and tears. Let us go back to the beginning of this country. When the white man first set foot on this land, which was already "discovered" and inhabited by the ‘Indians’ (who are from the tribe of GAD, of the nation of Israel), he did not know how to farm or survive on the land. The kind hearted Indians taught him how to farm, make clothing to bear the cold weather, and so forth. If it had not for the Indians. They would not have survived. May be that would not have been a bad thing! 

However they did survive and prosper. Eventually they slaughtered the Indians, raped their women, children and took their land. This is prophesied in Genesis 49:19, "Gad (the American Indians) a troop (the American Calvary) shall overcome him (so when the White man came and killed the Gadites/lndians, it was the fulfillment of the prophecy in Genesis chapter 49) but he shall overcome in the end." So in these last days, the Most High said in the Bible that the Gadites shall take revenge upon the white man, for killing and taking their forefather's land.

Next are the so called Negro, Colored, Afro-Americans or is it African-Americans? We have so many names sometimes I get confused. Deuteronomy 28:68 states, "And the Lord shall bring thee into Egvpt(America) again with (cargo slave ships by the way whereof/ I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again (the Lord is saying, Once the Israelites are taken captive in America that they, as a nation, would not see their home land of Israel): and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen (the Israelites were sold on auction blocks as slaves) and no man shall buy you (the word "buy" in this content means to save: meaning no man, not Martin L. King Malcolm X etc, shall save/deliver the Israelites from their present captivity) The truth is the Negroes are from the tribe of Judah, of the nation of Israel. Now what did they do for America? As in Egypt, the Israelites (so called Negroes, etc.) built up this country. 

For approximately 250 years we worked this land without receiving a paycheck Jeremiah 22:13 says, 'Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness, and his chambers by wrong; that useth his neighbour's service without wages, and giveth him not for his work.” Our forefathers were the ones who suffered through slavery and oppression to build up this country. We built roads, bridges, houses and the list goes on. But that's not all we did. We made many inventions in this country, and never got credit for it. The slave master took all the credit, while we did the work. All forms of music were invented by the blacks, even Rock & Roll. We performed the first open heart surgery, invented the air-conditioner, I can go on an on.


l. The Macmillan Bible Atlas by Y. Aharoni. 

2. The Complete works of Josephus page 55.611. 

3. The Compact Bible Dictionary by Zondervan page 309. 

4. Ancient Egypt by Time Life.  

5. Ancient Egypt by T.G.H James, 

6. History Of the World by Ridpath.